What is Golang and how to install it.

                           What is Golang?

Golang, also popularly known as Go is open source statically designed and procedural programming language developed by three Google engineers Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.
golang logo.

Syntax of golang is very much similar to c programming language. it is a very efficient programming language because it has features like memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing.

=>More about features.

Memory safety - Memory safety is the state of being protected from various software bugs and security vulnerabilities when dealing with memory access.

Garbage collection - Garbage collection is the systematic recovery of pooled computer storage that is being used by a program when that program no longer needs the storage.

Structural typing- In structural typing, an element is considered to be compatible with another if, for each feature within the second element's type,  the corresponding and identical feature exists in the first element's type.
   Here type meaning constructing variables, expression, and functions.

Concurrency - Golang has great concurrency. You don’t deal with threads but rather create cheap goroutines which are simple to make and manage. Goroutines allow you to distribute the load across all of your CPU without worrying on how to manage it all.

What makes golang different from other programming languages.

  •  it is much more productive than other programming languages.              
  •  Go is a relatively simple language and found it easy to pick up and get started with                                                                                                
      And the above feature provide edge to golang over the other programming languages.

how to install golang in windows?

1.first you need to download the zip file from https://golang.org/dl/ according to your system architecture whether it is 64bit or 32bit of windows

2. unzip the file and paste go folder in any directory of your choice. C directory is recommended. 

3. now you have to add bin subdirectory of you extracted go folder to the environment variable of your pc.

for that go to ->control panel -> system ->Advanced system settings -> click environment variables

   After clicking environment variables.

   Click on path as shown.
click new and add your subdirectory bin of go folder into new row.eg [your directory] \go\bin, mine was C so C\go\bin.

  click ok. and you are good to go.

4. to check the installation is completed or not, open command prompt and type "go version".

 if you see the output as above you completely installed go language.


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